Hello everyone.  The second cook had to leave the ship and go home for personal reasons. It happened very fast and he was getting off Tuesday at lunch as soon as we reached the canal. I was grateful for him that we were so close to a place where he could leave and be with family. I have been working by myself until they find a replacement, which will be later today in Quebec City. The Captain offered to send me help to do the dishes and that has been going really well. I had hoped to get out to wave in the canal but with the Second cook leaving in lock 8 Tuesday around lunch, I didn't have a moment to spare.

I was happy for the second cook that we were on our way to the canal so that he did not have to wait to long to go home and be with family

There was not a lot of extra time to take photos as we went through the canal this trip.

I made something new for lunch and it was a big success. I had a little leftover alfredo sauce and beautiful mushrooms so I decided to make a savory bun rolled up like a cinnamon bun but with alfredo sauce and either sauteed mushrooms with green onions or bacon. They turned out fantastic. The second cook sliced some cold cuts earlier in the day before he left and when I saw him slicing salami it inspired me to make an Italian antipasto salad to go with the savory bun. I will definitely make them again. The second choice was a spinach frittata. Thank you for the waves and photos of us passing through the canal. We arrived at lock 7 around 17h30, so I wasn't able to come out and wave at the webcam.  Supper was very quiet because the crew that were not working went ashore so at the end of supper I made 10 plates with the Thai Basil beef or second choice rainbow trout and set them aside for the crew that were working and the crew that would be hungry when they came back from going ashore. I went to bed early in the canal. It was nice to relax after a busy day. 

This new menu creation will be back on another menu one day. It was so good. The buns were filled with Alfredo sauce and sauteed mushrooms. The antipasto salad went so well with it.

I will add this recipe to my website in the future

I took some extra photos of the process. A picture paints a 1000 words.

I made a bacon version too.

I used to eat this Thai Basil beef dish at a restaurant and then the restaurant closed so I started making it myself. This picture has it served over cauliflower rice. It was delicious

The second cooks job was called for a compassionate relief second cook and the job will be filled in Quebec City this afternoon. For those of you who have been following me for a while you know that I have worked by myself before, however, this crew is much larger and we also picked up three extra people in the canal which brought the total to 29. I put a plan in motion and was ready for my few days without a second cook. Everyone has been very kind asking if I need help. If I knew in advance that I would be working alone I would have planned my menu to be a little easier for Wednesday, but it was very last minute so I just went with the menu I had planned. My Wednesday started off 2 and 1/2 hours earlier than normal and I was quickly reminded how I prefer to work with a second cook so I don't have to start so early in the morning. I actually get up at the same time, setting my alarm for 05H30, pushing snooze and then get up. I just usually use this time to write to you, sip my coffee and start my day off slowly. When I don't have a second cook I set the alarm for 05h30, push the snooze and then rush to be out in the galley to start getting everything ready. There are some constants with breakfast. A baked item, cut fruit, yogurt, juice, Hard steamed eggs (hard boiled but I steam mine. I explain how in the cookbook. I get a lot of comments from people who have steamed their eggs after reading that I do and they say, they will never boil an egg again. Steaming them makes the eggs easier to peel too. Oatmeal is on the menu every day as well as bacon and then we alternate a second choice of ham, or sausage, or fried bologna. Eggs any style, Omelets and breakfast sandwiches and potatoes I really love to make breakfast, I just find it is too early in the morning. I knew that I would not be making breakfast for too many days because the odds were we will get a new second cook in Quebec City so I took this opportunity to make blueberry scones.

Blueberry scones. The perfect way to start the day.

The breakfast sandwich made its appearance on my breakfast menu

I had some leftover potatoes, grated them and roasted them.

It's funny because the second cook and I had just spoken the other day how one or two extra people makes a big difference, and sure enough, as I was serving lunch yesterday, the line of crewmembers seemed to go on forever, and there were only three extra people. Some meals are quick to serve, like curry or stew for example. You take a scoop of rice, or potato, the curry or stew, ask if they would like the vegetable and then you move on to the next person and you can move through the line fairly quickly. Some meals just take longer, like sub sandwiches,  burritos, roasts where you have to slice the meat or like yesterday soft shell fish tacos. Some cooks make the sandwiches or tacos in advance but I like to make them to order so each crew member can choose what they like to go in their sandwich, wrap or taco. I like a themed meal so yesterdays menu started off with corn chowder and then I wrote Mexican Fiesta. The Mexican Fiesta consisted of a little bowl of chili with homemade nacho chips, a soft shell fish taco with lettuce, tomatoes, perfectly ripe avocado, cheese sauce, chipotle mayonnaise and a sprinkle of fresh cilantro. and chipotle black beans and rice. There was also an option to have homemade nacho chips with cheese sauce or a fried egg sandwich. It took some time to make each person their fish taco, but they came out really nice and the crew were happy with the fun lunch. For dessert I made Oatmeal chocolate chip cookies from the book.

The Mexican Fiesta

I made each to order offering the choice to leave something out or add extra.

The fish was also good with just the chipotle mayonnaise and cilantro

corn chowder

Oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. I have received a lot of comments from people who have tried and really like this recipe

I had a little break after lunch and wished I had more time to enjoy going through the 1000 islands. Thank you for your messages, unfortunately it was a blur as I rushed to make sure I had everything ready. For supper I made pork chops with mushroom sauce, mashed potatoes, corn and the second choice was Singapore noodles with shrimp. For dessert I made my mom's apple crips. Apple crip smells so good when it is baking. I was happy to see the end of my day.

Pork chops with mushroom sauce. I had a few comments on how tender the pork chops were. I got the trick from the food network. I baked them in the oven at 400 for 12 minutes. They were perfect with the mushroom sauce. I will share the mushroom sauce in the next book

Singapore noodles

my intention was to do a before and after photo of the apple crisp but forgot to take a photo of the beautiful crisp which I marked on the menu board as my Mom’s apple crips

Yesterday as I looked out my cabin window there is snow on the banks of the St Lawrence River. Lorraine (my sister, best friend and publisher wrote to me that she got her snow tires the day before. I'm so so happy that the little red car is ready for winter travel. Lorraine will get a chance to use the seat warmer and the steering wheel warmer, however I have a sneaking suspicion that she has already used both of those features on a cold October morning. I look forward to today. Lorraine will visit and I will get a new second cook. I hope you are all doing well and I will write again soon. Lorraine asked me to remind you to order your books if you plan to gift them for Christmas. She will mail them out so you get them on time. You can also see a list of the stores that carry the book on our website 

Lorraine will be happy to mail you, your books. Order soon so they will arrive in time for Christmas.


