Summer Fun

Good morning. It is a beautiful day. The temperature is a few degrees cooler, and I enjoy the light breeze that is coming through my open window. As I write to you, I wonder if I will have one or two more Sundays at home. I am registered at the Union Hall and expect to get a job soon. I received an email on Friday inquiring if I was available for a chief cook position, but it is a ship that does not have a second cook, so I had to turn it down. I promised myself, and Lorraine that I wouldn't accept any ships that only carry a chief cook. Working by myself is not an option anymore. There was a time when I enjoyed working alone but I don't have time to do the things that I love to do in my free time, because there is no free time. I love sailing, and I am excited to get a call. I heard there was one job calling in August, which I would accept immediately, but three people are ahead of me on the board at the Union Hall. Of course. I am where I am meant to be and will get the job that is right for me. I am enjoying my July month off. I sailed in July 2023 (Spruceglen) and July 2022 (Baie St. Paul), so having this beautiful July summer month off this year is nice. Every time Lorraine and I are in the car, I point out the beautiful flowers and how green and lush everything is. Lorraine and I were in St Catharine’s dropping off books at the Lock 3 gift shop (St. Catharine’s Museum and Welland Canals Centre) . While we were in the area, we visited friends. We had a BBQ. Lorraine was responsible for the BBQ, and I made my sweet potato-potato salad. We had gone to visit friends north of Toronto and stopped at the EuroMax grocery store, where we bought the delicious sausages. Alongside the potato salad, we served sauerkraut and German pickles. Eating outside made it even tastier.

Lorraine was responsible for the BBQ

I made the sweet potato-potato salad which went so well with the sausages.

I love seeing summer flowers and they remind me of my mom’s gardens.

We visited another friend and picked raspberries from their raspberry bushes. I hadn't picked raspberries in over 50 years. We also went to Cherry Lane, where they do everything cherry. I love seeing all the fruit orchards in the Niagara fruit belt. The Vineyards go on as far as the eye can see. Of course, being in St Catharines means driving by the canal and looking for ships. It was a very quiet day, and we only saw two ships. We took the opportunity to stop at the Lock 7 visitor center. I had never been inside. The webcam is located above the building, and I always wave, and now I have been inside the building. It is a great place to watch ships. We made a trip to the Port Colborne Library and donated a Children's book, "The Stowaway Adventures of Mitchell Mouse," to the library.

I love the colors of this photo.

As usual, Lorraine and I made a great team. I pointed out the raspberries and she picked them.

They don’t get any fresher than this

We went to visit Cherry lane, where they do everything cherry.

There were very few ships in the canal when we drove by.

I was disappointed that taking July off meant that I could not take the job on the Frontenac for the month of August. The Frontenac was my first ship in 1981. I am sure I will get a call for a ship the month of August soon.

Our trip to Toronto also included a trip to the printer to pick up the sample book. I was so pleased to see that the cover photo was clear. The book came out beautiful, and after making some additional corrections, it was finally ready to go to print. We should start shipping at the end of August. It was so exciting to see the project we have been working on. It is so satisfying to see a project complete. I also accept that any overlooked errors will have to wait for the second edition printing. It was fun to show the book to our friends who, like you, have heard us talking about it for the past year. I was so pleased to see our friend flip through the pages and hear her comment on how beautiful the photos were and how a particular recipe sparked her interest. I laughed when I shared with Lorraine that I would now have two books to carry with me when I packed my bags. The new book adds another 2 lbs.

We met with the Librarian from the Port Colborne Library and donated the children’s book. Stowaway Adventures of Mitchell Mouse.

The second book is complete! As soon as the new book is printed we will start shipping. We expect the new book to be printed the end of August.

sneak peek inside the new book.

I love this recipe for cauliflower thins. I use them for sandwiches. They are in the new book.

This is one of my favorite breakfast choices, made with my cauliflower thins and homemade breakfast sausage patties.

We took advantage of a few rainy days while in Ontario and went to the movies. I could not believe how comfortable it was in the cinema. They had leather recliners. I saw "Horizon" and, on another rainy day, went to see "Fly Me to the Moon." I loved seeing the old black and white footage that they included in telling the story and smiled when I heard the familiar voice of Walter Cronkite coming from the big screen. Walter Cronkite was our news source when we were kids, and my dad was always tuned in to his news program. We had a beautiful picnic lunch in Brockville at Blockhouse. It is such a special place, and we have been walking along the water's edge there since being walked around in our baby carriage. I think of more recent memories of the numerous times the ship I was on would blow the salute for my parents. I always told the pilot that it would be perfect timing if they saluted when we were beside the gold plane. Brockville will always be home.

We have been taking walks around blockhouse since I was in the baby carriage.

I love this sculpture

The gold plane is the landmark used to salute my parents. They lived in a building directly behind it.

We stopped at one of our favorite places on our way back to Tremblant. We have been to Kelly's Landing many times with Mom and Dad in the past. It is so nice on the Rideau River, just outside Ottawa. I am back at Tremblant and look forward to going for a walk with Lorraine this afternoon. I will spend the next few days organizing my suitcase for my next job, which I hope to hear about soon. I will keep you posted. Have a wonderful day. Stay tuned.

Kelly’s Landing on the Rideau River

It was a busy day and while we waited for a table, we reminisced about all the times we came with mom and dad.

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We have both the original cookbook and children’s book in stock and will be happy to mail them out to you.


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