my last week on the assiniboine

July 1, 2024! Happy Canada Day! I am writing to you this morning from the comfort of my home. I have changed my plans. I was initially supposed to go to my next ship, the Sunnanvik, for the month of July but decided to take this month off. I have a follow-up doctor appointment in July and did not want to put it off until September. A regular job on land would allow me to take a day off for an appointment, but being on a ship makes that scenario impossible. I will register at the Union Hall and take another ship for the end of July and August. I disembarked the Assiniboine in Quebec City, and Lorraine was there to pick me up.

Happy Canada Day. In the background is the new Gordie Howe Bridge

Lorraine and I had been speculating when we would arrive. When I last wrote to you, we had a load of iron ore from Superior and were on our way to Quebec. When we leave a port, we always have an ETA for our next destination, but we also know that there are often delays. Most delays occur because of traffic at the Locks, and we have 16 Locks to transit between Lake Superior and Quebec City. We encountered our first delay in the Soo Lock. I looked out my forward-facing window around 06h00 and saw the Soo Locks in the distance. Seeing this landmark gave me a point to start my calculations, from the Soo Lock to Blue Water Bridge, then Welland Canal. I already knew that I would be disembarking in Quebec City and was so pleased I could enjoy my last trip through the rivers until August during the daylight. I saw a ship in the lock in the distance and thought there would be a slight delay, but a short while later I found out when I went for coffee that we would actually be waiting for three ships before it was our turn. I adjusted my ETA calculations to include this delay. I went out to wave at the Soo Lock and at the webcam. There were many people on the observation deck, and I got some enthusiastic waves.

06h00 with the Soo Locks in the morning sunrise

We had to wait for three ships before it was out turn.

We were next in line

This delay going through the Soo Locks offered me the opportunity to go for a walk in the St Mary's River after lunch, and it was spectacular. The water was mirror-calm, and the reflections of the clouds in the water had me standing, looking in awe at the beautiful sight. I took a little video. I just posted it to my YouTube channel so that you could take a walk with me. Just click on the following link:

It was so spectacular going for a walk with the mirror calm water offering a perfect reflection of the sky

I would have liked to stay outside longer, but I was making Chinese food, and there was a lot of preparation, so I went in a little earlier to start my supper. I made steak and broccoli stir fry, honey garlic ribs, eggroll in a bowl, and vegetable rice, and I had planned on making crispy pork but found some pork bits in the freezer and the second cook said the crew really liked them, so I added them to my Chinese food menu. I also used some vegetable eggrolls. Chinese food is always popular on the ship.

Chinese Food for supper

another favorite for lunch. Mac and cheese

On my way back in from my walk I snapped this photo. That is my forward facing window and my own personal Juliet balcony with a ladder. I like that it is painted red.

I got up early the following day because I knew we would be going under the Blue Water Bridge at a good time and I wanted to go into the galley a bit earlier so that I could start a few things and still go out on deck around 09h00 and wave at the webcam. It was a grey-looking day, and I was so pleased that the big drops of rain did not start until I had waved at the webcam. I spent the last few minutes on deck, sheltered from the rain, and took a photo of someone working on the bridge. I could not imagine hanging over the water working. I have a video of coming under the bridge and will share that with you, too, in the future. I mentioned to Lorraine that I look forward to sharing some videos with you in July. I have a beautiful piece I am working on from our trip to the Saguenay River. )I didn't have time to finish it on the ship.)

On our way under the Blue Water Bridge

It’s always nice when I have some extra time to stand out on deck and not have to run back in to stir a pot.

Look closely at the end of the orange crane is someone working on the bridge.

By the time we made our way through Lake St Clair, the sun came out and I took numerous photos and video of the Gordie Howe Bridge, which has been officially joined together. It was so windy, I had to hold on to the railing. My original idea was to go walk on deck to take the photos because it was during my break time but the wind was too strong. Watching them build the bridge and how it changed each time I passed under was so interesting, and now it is joined.

The sun came out as we made our way by Detroit and Windsor

There are lots of ships that you don’t see come down through the St Lawrence. This is one of many.

The Gordie Howe Bridge has officially been joined. It was so windy out, I had to hold on to the railing.

I served roast pork with gravy, mashed potatoes, curried rice and peas that night.

I feel so lucky that we were passing through the rivers during the day and right on schedule, we entered the Welland Canal the next day just before lunch. We were not stopping for stores or fuel, and I heard there was not much traffic in the canal, so I knew we could be out before my bedtime. I went out to wave at Lock 7, and had wanted to wave at Lock 3 but it was pouring rain by then. The rain stopped again and I went out after supper to enjoy some time on the swing bench and shortly after 21h00 we left Lock one.

Lake Erie not far from the Welland Canal

I spent five minutes waiting for the flag to blow straight. In the distance are many sailboats. It was really beautiful. This is a photo of the Port Colborne piers.

It always makes me a little sad to see the ships being scrapped

You could see right through what I imagined to be the galley where 1000’s of meals were served.

with the leftover roast pork I made sweet and sour pineapple pork with sauteed bok choy.

I calculated and thought how wonderful it was that we would pass Brockville during my after-lunch break the next day. Nine locks down, 7 Locks to go before Quebec City and my departure day. I was happy to get to Brockville at a good time but was unable to go out as we passed through the American Narrows because I was serving lunch. We were having hamburgers on homemade buns and it takes a little longer to serve. On some ships, they put all the condiments, lettuce, tomatoes, and onions on a tray for the crew to help themselves, but I like to prepare each hamburger to order, dressing them myself so that they can just take their plate and enjoy. I stepped out after serving my last hamburger and waved to the area. It's so beautiful! I sat outside after lunch. I was doing a FaceTime with Lorraine and turned the camera on the shoreline. It was fun to take the ride together. We waved at Brockville and could see Kamden waving his flag from a distance. It's always fun to pass by Brockville and all the memories of Mom and Dad waving from their river-facing condo. Supper was almost everyone's favorite Butter chicken, and I hoped we would pass through Iroquois before I had to serve the crew. As the minutes ticked by, I kept an eye on the grassy hill that is on both sides of Iroquois Lock. I was waiting for the ship to come to a stop, indicating that we were lined up to wave at those that were there to watch the ship, but it didn't stop. Iroquois Lock does not raise or lower the ship very much and sometimes does a walk-through, which is what we were doing. Thankfully, I realized this and went out to wave at those who messaged me earlier, saying they would be there to wave. It's always so nice to see familiar faces. Thank you also for the sign. It was a fun visit. Unfortunately, I couldn't stay long because it was just before supper.

Passing Brockville and all the memories it holds

Three sisters island on our port side and in the far distance, the Johnstown Bridge

Iroquois Lock. Thank you to everyone who came out to wave.

I served individual meat pies with gravy as a second choice with the butter chicken. We had a new crew member who joined in the Welland Canal and he asked at supper if there were any leftover hamburger patties from lunch. I pointed at the individual meat pies and said they were in there. I always use leftover hamburger patties or leftover meatloaf, break it down in the food processor, and use it for meat pies. They come out so nice. After supper and cleaning up I decided to go out on deck. We would be passing the Eisenhower Lock before nightfall and I wanted a chance to see it. It is beautiful and we made our way into the lock after 19h00. I received a message to wave at the first level. They told me how beautiful the visitor center is inside. I can't wait to see it myself. We were both waiting for the ship to lower before the visitor center closed at 20h00 so I decided to walk midship and give a wave. The observation deck is so close you can easily talk to the onlookers.

I always make butter chicken one last time before I leave. It is very popular

For those who do not like butter chicken, I made individual meat pies.

The Eisenhower Lock Visitor Center is open and beautiful

I stood midship and could easily talk to the those watching.

Our boom cast a fun shadow against the lock wall as I made my way back

Early the following morning Montreal was in sight. Our ETA for Quebec City was 01h00 on the 29th, and I found out that groceries would come at 08h00 and the permanent cook who got the job (the job I had hoped to get but didn't) would be coming at 10h00. I was happy to get the 10h00 time so that I could make a plan and call Lorraine and let her know when she should be there. It's more difficult to leave the ship in the middle of the day. I had some ideas of what to leave for the arriving cook. The second cook was also leaving on vacation, so two people were coming to the galley and four others in different departments were going on vacation. I planned to do all my extra cleaning after supper on the 28th. I always clean the stovetop, change the oil in the fryer, clean the steam table, clean the freezer, and clean up my section in the fridge. I was pleased that I could complete all my tasks by 21h30 and went to bed.

Montreal in the distance.

It’s beautiful coming in through here. South of Montreal

There is a bike path that runs along the opposite side.

The new Montreal bridge.

Leaving the lock with a train passing.

I woke early to the sound of the ship unloading. Great! We are in Quebec City and started packing my bags. It was overcast but not raining which is great because getting off at an iron ore dock is a little dirty and adding water to the iron ore dust makes a real mess of your luggage. Usually, Lorraine is allowed to drive right up to the ship( with an escort), but there was too much activity and too many people coming and going. Shortly after 08h00, the groceries came and we had four crew helping so it went very smoothly. I set out the lunch I had prepared for the arriving cook and cleared all my things out of my room I waited for my turn to take the shuttle with all my luggage. Lorraine was already waiting for me at the gate. I turned to the ship to wave goodbye and smiled when the crew on deck all waved back. It meant a lot to me. I liked this job. I told the Captain that I hoped I could come back. She is a great Captain and I hope I can sail with her again. I am always excited to see woman on board and shared with her that she is the fourth female Captain I have sailed with to date. I see another Mitchell Mouse Aventure Book where "The Captain is a Girl."

The last supper. Meatballs with gravy for those who do not like shrimp and for those that do….

all the shrimp you can eat with curried vegetables and rice or noodles.

Groceries came on time and were quickly brought on board.

I always like to see the secret door into the engine room.

I had such a nice wave goodbye. The end to a perfect month on the Assiniboine!

Lorraine was there waiting in the pretty red car and as we drove away from the guard gate I suggested we go downtown Quebec City. Always up for an adventure, Lorraine agreed. We found a parking spot and walked along the boardwalk. It was beautiful We walked for an hour and as the sky was starting to threaten rain we decided to make the four hour drive home to Tremblant. Just as we were getting to the car, the rain started. Both Lorraine and I had been up since 05h00 so we only stopped for something to eat and kept going.

The beginning of a fun month at home with Lorraine.

Today the sky is blue with no threat of rain. I am happy for those on vacation for this Holiday Monday. I hope you all have a wonderful Happy Canada Day and I will keep in touch with you.

Click on the following link to pre-order the new book “More Recipes and Stories as we Navigate Healthier Eating.

More Recipes & Stories As We Navigate Healthier Eating – Ship to Shore Chef

These two books are in stock and ready to ship. Lorraine will be happy to mail them out to you.


First Week Home


I am where I am meant to be and enjoying every minute!