Memories of maine

Our last morning at the Maine Ocean Retreat delivered a perfectly beautiful sunny morning

As promised I am going to share the rest of our Ocean Retreat Maine Vacation, but before I do I wanted to tell you how much fun we had yesterday at the Book signing/meet and greet at the Little Book Store in Clayton, NY. Lorraine (my sister, best friend and publisher) and I love to stay at the River Retreat in Brockville and were grateful when the forecasted rain held off so that we could pack up the car before we headed to the US for our Book signing/meet and greet. Earlier in the morning Lorraine packed the books into the mailers and we filled out the customs paper for the books we were mailing from the US Post office. It was easier than usual filling the customs form because Lorraine and I were in the same room. Usually she emails me the invoice numbers and the items in the order. I copy and paste on the customs form 7523, then email it back to her to be printed. Yesterday morning she called out the numbers and what was purchased and I quickly typed it in. We needed to print the papers and set off on our day with a quick stop at the Brockville staples self printing service. Customs forms in hand we set off- destination 1000 islands bridge.

The trees are peaking to their fall colors in this area and we couldn't help but tell each other, Look over there, Look at that red tree. We talked about how our mom used to volunteer to drive people (who were no longer driving) to see the colors. She used to also drive them in the spring to see the blossoms too so that they could enjoy Mother Nature's annual visual gifts. We had time so we drove along the 1000 island parkway. I almost always say to Lorraine that I wish people who were traveling along the busy 401, that if they just exited at the sign 1000 Island parkway, they would be treated to the most beautiful scenic drive. It runs parallel between the St Lawrence River and the 401 and is very easy to rejoin the busy highway in Gananoque after a relaxing scenic drive. We pulled up to the toll booth to cross the first bridge and Lorraine put the multiple bridge pass up to the window and with a quick wave to the toll both agent the barrier lifted and we were on our way.

toll both before the two bridges

View of the beautiful 1000 islands from the bridge

I have been over and under this bridge numerous times

Traveling over the first bridge

We crossed over the bridge looking down at all the islands on each side. As we made our way to the Border crossing, we could see the long line of cars waiting to approach the customs booth where they would explain the purpose of their trip or welcome back to the US, with the usual interrogation "How long have you been gone and did you buy anything while you were out of the country?" Lorraine and I were so grateful that we did not have to join the long line of cars because we were bringing books across the border and had to take the commercial line with the trucks. It's a fun visual of three big transport trucks then one pretty little red car, then more big transport trucks lining up behind us. The agent who greeted us with a "passports please" was very nice. He asked what kind of books and we had and took a moment to tell him about the books and that I was the Ship to Shore Chef. I think sometimes we forget that the person in the customs booth is not always that serious agent trying to decipher if we are smuggling something into the country or carrying more than $10,000 in cash (that question always makes me laugh) and that they too enjoy a moment to share a little story. We continued on our way.  Lorraine had suggested that we go to the Wellesley Island US post office to mail our packages of books. We knew Clayton would be very busy and that some of the roads were closed for the Pumpkin Chunkin event, perhaps making it difficult to get to or park at the Clayton post office. It was our first time at the Wellesley Island post office and it is such a pretty little post office. The post office agent, Susan, was so kind to the lady who was in line in front of us. We heard the customer say she was going to the Clayton Pumpkin Chunkin and we chimed in that we were also going. Susan, the postal agent, looked over to us and asked "is it you?" and as if rehearsed both Lorraine and I in unison laughed and said "Yes, it's us" We had a great little visit as our numerous packages were being scanned through. Susan, the postal clerk shared with us that she had already purchased two Ship to Shore Chef cookbooks and gifted one to a 90 year old relative. She told us how much he treasured the book being a long time ship lover and read it cover to cover. Over the course of the 15 minutes we felt like we were talking with a long time friend and took a moment to take a photo together before getting back into the pretty red car. We both thought how happy we were that we chose this post office and how nice people are.

Wellesley Island is such a pretty post office

We enjoyed meeting Susan, the postal clerk at the Wellesley Island US post office

We made our way over the second bridge, the one that the ships pass under and I looked over both sides far into the distance but didn't see any approaching ships. We stopped at the Welcome to New York visitor center and had our lunch of pumpkin bread that Lorraine made. It was so delicious with the coffee that I purchased. Usually we sit outside but the cooler temperature had us sitting in the nice eating area ndoors.

I searched far into the distance of the shipping lane, but didn’t see any ships

We always stop at the welcome center and often eat our lunch that we picked up at the Price Chopper. They have great ready to go salads

We went on to our final destination of Clayton leaving a bit of extra time because of the Pumpkin Chunkin annual event. It was a festive environment with all the kiosks lined up on the usually busy Riverside street. The road was closed to traffic. The smell of kettle corn and waffles filled the air. We walked around stopping in one of the kiosks to buy some fingerless gloves that I could wear to keep my hands warm while signing books under a tent to protect us from the rain, Towards the end of the book signing we had proof that the tent was waterproof as it kept us dry from the pouring rain. It was unfortunate that the weather was wet but it didn't seem to dampen the spirits of those who attended. I looked through my photos and can't believe I didn't take any photos of the book signing or street lined kiosks. It was a great book signing. We were happy to see some familiar faces and met many wonderful new people. It was fun to share some of our recent Maine Vacation stories, still fresh in our minds. 

On our last morning, a crane came by to say “See you next time”

We truly had a wonderful time in Maine. As we departed Maine we promised ourselves we would return in the spring and how much we enjoyed being there in October. As usual, we had more to bring back then we came with. We were in the US for more than 48 hours and took the opportunity to buy a more expensive item and not have to pay the duty on it. At the begining of our time in Maine we bought an air fryer for Lorraine. We travel a lot and although we like eating in restaurants we enjoy making our own food, taking an opportunity to try new easy recipes that would translate well to people who are busy and don't have time to spend a lot of time in the kitchen.

Lorraine made all the meals while we were in Maine and they were delicious. I asked her to make one of the meals again because it was so good that when I tried it the first time, I enjoyed the first bite so much I forgot to take a photo. She made a Mexican inspired meal: Chorizo sausages, sauteed poblano peppers and onions served over sauteed cauliflower rice. She topped it with guacamole, jalapeno cremosa and salsa (both Siete brand, no sugar added and delicious) . It was so good! The only downfall of the meal was the oil from the poblano pepper seeds that, even after washing her hands, were on Lorraines finger tips and transferred to her contacts making it impossible to wear them again. We know to be careful with jalapeno peppers and strong peppers but I don't consider poblano peppers spicy, lesson learned. I liked her air fryer that she purchased so much that on the way home we stopped to pick one up for me.

Our delicious Mexican inspired supper that Lorraine made. It will be in the next book

Our last night in Maine was spent walking on the beach, enjoying the hard surface beach, arriving at our Ocean Maine Retreat in the dark. It was a wonderful vacation.

Our beautiful final evening walk into Ogunquit and back to Wells beach

We often get our photo taken at this store sigh “Spoiled Rotten”

Our final morning before the sun came out

A trip to Maine always includes a trip to Congdon’s Doughnuts

We took the scenic route before joining the I-95

York Beach

This morning we will load everything back into the car before making our way over to the book signing/meet and greet at RiverWest Co in Brockville. We look forward to seeing everyone there. I hope you are having a wonderful weekend. I hope to hear some news about a job this coming week. I received a tip from a chief cook about a possible job for the month of November and would take the job when it calls, but will wait and see. Fingers crossed, I remind myself that I am where I am meant to be. Visit us online to purchase your copy of the ship to shore chef books or merchandise


pack your virtual seabags


On our way to Book Signings